Facility Audits
Validus is approved to audit to numerous facility and traceability audits. You can find those below. Don't forget to bundle your facility audits with any certification program!
Restricted Use Protein Products (RUPP)
Under the Restricted Use Protein Products (RUPP) program, independent certifying auditor visit facilities, which utilize restricted use protein products, as well as those establishments, which do not utilize restricted ruminant protein products. Agents review procedures and records, then issue interim certifications to those facilities that meet the program requirements.

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a management system in which animal food and feed safety is addressed through he analysis and control of biological, chemical and physical hazards or potential hazards for raw ingredients, processing aids, manufacturing, distribution and consumption of finished product (animal feed). HACCP uses the approach of controlling critical points in feed and food handling to prevent feed and food safety problem. HACCP is based on real-time prevention and reduces the reliance on after-the-fact end product inspection and testing.

Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP)
The CGMP program is a baseline safety and sanitation audit for manufacturing, processing, packing, and holding of animal food. This program complements the requirements for hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls for food for animal authorized by FSMA. CGMPs is a pre-requisite program that is needed for many animal food safety plans.

Plasma & Hemoglobin (P&H)
The Plasma and Hemoglobin Certified Facility Program is designed for an independent certifying Auditor to visit facilities which manufacture spray dried animal plasma and blood (hemoglobin) products from avian and mammalian blood. The Auditor will examine and validate guideline procedures, look at records and issue interim certifications to those facilities when an inspection finds the facility meets the program’s requirements.

Safe Feed/Safe Food Program (SF/SF)
The Safe Feed/Safe Food Certification Program is a voluntary, independently certified program designed for the total feed industry. The Safe Feed/Safe Food program establishes comprehensive standards of excellence that go beyond existing regulations to maximize food and feed safety.

National Renderers Association (NRA) Rendering Industry's Code of Practice (COP)
Safe Quality Food (SQF)
Validus is licensed by the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI) and accredited by the American National Standards Institute to perform SQF audits, both on farm and in plants processing raw agricultural goods. Certification schemes benchmarked by GFSI, such as SQF, are recognized worldwide and are requested more and more frequently by customers of food processors and manufacturers. The Validus SQF certification program follows the SQF Code Edition 9. The certification program allows certification to two levels and an optimal Quality code.
Fundamentals: An entry level for new and developing businesses covering only GAP/GMP/GDP requirements and basic food safety elements;
Food Safety: Incorporates all Level 1 system requirements and additionally requires that a food safety risk analysis of the product and its associated processes has been completed to identify the hazards and the action taken to eliminate, prevent or reduce their occurrence;
Quality Code – Comprehensive Quality Management System: indicates that a food quality risk analysis of the product and its associated process has been completed and that the actions taken to prevent the incidence of poor quality have been implemented.
Validus currently conducts audits in 13 different SQF Food Sector Categories (FSC). These audits include:
FSC 1 – Production, Capture and Harvesting of Livestock and Game Animals
FSC 7 – Slaughterhouse, Boning and Butchery Operations
FSC 8 – Manufactured Meats and Poultry
FSC 9 – Seafood Processing
FSC 10 – Dairy Food Processing
FSC 12 – Egg Processing
FSC 20 – Recipe Meals Manufacture
FSC 22 – Processing of Cereal Grain
FSC 32 – Manufacturing of Pet Food
FSC 34 – Manufacturing of Animal Feed

Investigative Audits
Validus works alongside many supply chains to conduct investigative audits at the request of current clients.
Investigative Audits
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